Eight year old girl was complaining of pain in the lower abdomen post some strenous activity; emergency sonography suggested torsion of the right ovary with fluid in the pouch of doughlas along with an inflammed Appendicitis. she was suggested laproscopic correction with hormonal treatment. Was bought to clinic and post history taking was kept on constitutional remedy for just 15days and the next usg shows normal echotexture of the ovary and appendix.
This patient went through varicosevein surgery-

Insulin is a hormone that regulates the levels of glucose in the blood. Another name for this is blood sugar. The hormone works by helping the body’s cells to absorb glucose.
Insulin causes weight gain when the cells absorb too much glucose and the body converts this into fat.
Insulin plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels and converting food energy into fat. It also helps break down fats and proteins.
During digestion, insulin stimulates muscle, fat, and liver cells to absorb glucose. The cells either use this glucose for energy or convert it into fat for long-term storage.
We prevented metabolicsyndrome diabetesmelitus, polycysticovariansyndrome, obesity
There are lot of reasons you may be losing hair – Dr Meghana Rawal Thali
There are lot of reasons you may be losing hair!
Try our naturally made oil along with classical homoeopathy prescribtion!
Dont lose hope or hair! We help them grow😃
The most common signs in almost all girls, teenagers and young women with Turner syndrome are short stature and ovarian insufficiency due to ovarian failure that may have occurred by birth or gradually during childhood, the teen years or young adulthood. Signs and symptoms of these include:
- Slowed growth
- No growth spurts at expected times in childhood
- Adult height significantly less than might be expected for a female member of the family
- Failure to begin sexual changes expected during puberty
- Sexual development that “stalls” during teenage years
- Early end to menstrual cycles not due to pregnancy
- For most women with Turner syndrome, inability to conceive a child without fertility treatment.
- Here instead of writing TURNER SYNDROM LEADING TO AMENORRHOEA, i wrote reverse because on no menstruation we cld discover this lovely lady of 25 years age was having TURNER SYNDROME!
POST 6 months of HOMOEOPATHY, she has started menstruating as medicines started aiding in hypothalamic function as well as developing sex organ. Remedy was decided by thoroughly studying mother’s state during pregnancy and also patients current mind body symptoms
Nailbed or cuticle injury is very common if plucked or close shoes

Crab Apple Helps When There Is An Obsession With Food
Edward Bach referred to the flower remedy Crab Apple as a “cleanser”. This remedy is also included in Rescue Cream, along with the other five ingredients as it may help with skin problems.
Whereas Beech is the remedy for finding fault with others, Crab Apple is for finding fault with our appearance and surroundings in some way. It is also for a sense of disgust and contamination within the environment for example, not wanting to touch door handles or toilets and being disgusted by bodily functions. There can be uneasiness about dirt, bacteria, insects etc. It is required when there is a need for everything to be impeccable, be it mentally, when there is an unexpected negative thought, a tiny blemish on the skin that is blown out of all proportion or a little mark on the kitchen wall that needs to be urgently cleaned. It is the remedy for when we are not able to rest until all surfaces have been disinfected, cushions plumped and everywhere is neat and tidy.
Crab Apple helps when there is an obsession with food being off and feeling disgusting when having spots, sweating, no make-up on, hair is all wrong etc. It is the remedy for wanting to be clean, constant hand-washing, showering, not liking kissing or breast feeding, obsessing about looks and weight and losing all sense of proportion. There can also be a feeling of being congested or constipated or in need of cleansing. It is the remedy to use when having given up smoking or cream cakes or whatever, one loses willpower and is then left with a feeling of disgust. It is the essence to take when there is a feeling that a food has not agreed with us.
Dr Bach used to recommend adding a few drops to a bath or a compress to help with skin conditions or use Rescue Cream which contains Crab Apple. This remedy can help us to feel comfortable in our own skin and surroundings.
“For those who feel as if they had something not quite clean about themselves. Often it is something of apparently little importance: in others there may be more serious disease which is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they concentrate.
Drinking Warm Water On An Empty Stomach In The Morning
There are so many theories post articles that talk about the DETOX TEAS & DETOX WATER, i myself have experienced that there is nothing more DETOXYFYING, than a big mug of warm(NOT HOT, it may tamper your esophageal lining) WATER!
Why in The Morning??
Entire night our sinuses get full, our esophageal lining is coated with the acidic gastric juices, which causes IRRITATION TO THE VOCAL CORD, in-case if you have eaten a HEAVY RICH MEAL, possibility of oil or grease remaining in your arteries, too much stimulants sodas may upset your electrolyte.. ALL THESE ARE TAKEN CARE BY A MUG OF SIMPLE WARM WATER!!!👍
🌿Prevents premature AGEING
Warm water increases your body temperature, which; in turn, increases your metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic activity gives the body the ability to burn more calories throughout the day.
🌿PAIN RELIEF warm water is an effective remedy for all types of cramps as it improves capillary circulation and helps to relax the muscles in the body.
🌿IMPROVES Blood Circulation, Reduces Blood Pressure
Accumulated deposits in the nervous system and fat deposits in the body are eliminated when you drink a glass of warm water.
Sun Kissed Water or Sun Charged Water
Place fresh drinking water in a clear GLASS or EARTHEN or BAMBOO BOTTLE IN SUN🌞for 5-8 hours.
☀️CONSUME within 24 hours of CHARGING.
🌻MAKES BODY ALKALINE, therefore flushes urine.
🌻SUN WATER IS antibacterial antiviral and Anti fungal.
🌻excellent for skin ailments.
SUN ENERGY HIGH IN UV IS A NATURAL WATER PURIFIER, it not only increases PRANA OF the WATER but also raises the vibration by altering the molecules of water by producing HIGHLY REACTIVE FORM OF OXYGEN, or FREE OXYGEN RADICALS, which are helpful in eradicating micro organisms.
Never put glass-bottle to charge on a glass as it would ground the energy of sun back to soil. Keep it on any surface.
Hibiscus Promotes Hair Growth Naturally For Everyone
Hibiscus promotes hair growth and prevents premature hair greying by reducing excessive body heat, stimulating blood circulation to the scalp, and increasing the supply of essential nutrients to the hair follicles.
Intellectuals with a Pitta-predominant constitution and people into the work habit of staying awake during late nights tends to lose their hair due to excess heat trapped under the skin. Hibiscus tea helps regulate that excess heat and balance Pitta.
Hibiscus Hair Oil
There are various preparation methods of hair oil such as:
Boil hibiscus flowers and fenugreek seeds in coconut oil. Cool, strain and store in a bottle. Use this oil regularly to massage the scalp.
Grind hibiscus leaves and flowers to paste and mix with virgin coconut oil. Simmer together on low heat until the water content disappears. Filter and then store in a clean glass bottle.
An application of the paste of tender and fresh hibiscus leaves with water heals skin problems of the scalp such as itching, burning, etc.
Hibiscus Hair Wash
Soak 10 hibiscus flower petals in 500 ml (2 cups) of water overnight.
The next morning squeeze the flowers with your hands and remove from the solution.
Apply the filtered liquid to your hair.
Cover your hair with a shower cap.
Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
Happy Hair Happy you