Children Face Food Health leg Skin

PSORIASIS-Treat Cautiously & Diligently To Heal

This is a 2 month progress! Reason i have put these picture in RECOVERY phase & not HEALED! Because this is 2 months single remedy RESULT! Usually patients suffering from #psoriasis are either treated with #corticosteroids #steroidcream which suppresses the disease rather than healing! #homoeopathytakestimeisamyth
Pl note #psoriasis can be totally cured through #homoeopathy #bachflowers but requires conviction from patients end and counteract for smallest aggravation from homoeopaths end! #homoeopath must heal every small trigger that can mo patient lose their patience as FLARE UP OF SKIN IS TRIGGERED WITH SLIGHTEST EMOTIONAL STRESS! So treat cautiously & diligently to heal!!
Some home remedies for quick relief for psoriasis is
* cotton breathable garment
* apply ice/ aloe gel/ organic cold mud pack for increased itching
* keep skin hydrated
* 5/10 min morning sun light on patches

Abdomen Health Obesity Skin

Womb Healing-Dr Meghana Rawal Thali -Holistic Homoepathy Clinic

Do you know?? Before one is conceived, we existed in part as an egg in our mother’s ovary. All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother.
So imagine, the trauma or pattern she carried you carry in your soul journey.
Practice of ancient womb healing is from more than 10,000 years or more. Gupt gyan ie secret knowledge passed during pregnancy or incarcerated conception in our mythological books. LIKE THE RICHES YOUR ANCESTORS LEFT YOU ENJOY SO IS THE TRAUMA OR CURSES IN THE BLOODLINE!!!
Womb healing is honoring empowering and healing every aspect of your sacral or sex chakra (2 fingers below your navel)the divine portal for both men & women.
This center is source of knowledge power creativity as well as REJUVENATION BIRTH OF ANOTHER LIFE FOR BOTH SEXES.
Anything unresolved here leads to blockages in all above aspects. From constant healing supporting womb or sacral chakra we can bring in desired result in our achievements as well as live a complete life.
What does therapy comprise of.
Well there are certain healing modalities, medicines rituals which are prescribed according to individual case study!
Female Menstrual

Irregular Cycle of Menstruation Treatment – Dr. Rawal Thali

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Patient had come with irregular cycle of menstruation, on scan we figured there was not only PCOD But also myometrial echoes and bilateral pcod.
Currently one ovary has been totally n the other on the way to recovery as the bulkiness has gone feom 16 to 11.
I am extremely grateful to such patients as they consider me as a first resort and entrust that HOMOEOPATHY, wil heal them. And it does!
Happy Healing!

Children Food Health

Kids Immunity & Health-Dr. Meghana Rawal

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Currently main friends in my practice are children from new born to 16 yr olds.
Well currently the trend that i am going to talk about is for anything & everything child doesnt have to be medicated asap unless too much discomfort.
Last 20 years in my practice i have set a protocol to give fever as well cold cough med only & if
🌼 Fever above 101
🌼 Child has unbearable pain or discomfort with fever
🌼 Breathlessness with cough
🌼 Cold with excessive congestion
Kid immune system is robust, it’s efficient, and it can get rid of pathogens in early life. In some ways, it may be even better than the adult immune system, since it’s designed to respond to a multitude of new pathogens.”
But repeatedly medicating them makes their immune system lazy to fight and they have to tk conventional medicine which eventually they become resistant too.
Homoeopathy Ayurvedic system dont treat the system instead they enhance #immunesystem #kidsimmunity to fight better.
In order to see them fit asap parents dont refrain from medicating their children with steroids brufen high antibiotics as well as apart from seeing organ damaging warning H scheduled drugs.
Acetaminophen in so many kids have stopped working sigh! Because for 99F they have been repeatedly medicated.
Even to make them sleep during long travels abv mentioned prescribed.
To keep them healthy❤️
🌼Good hydration
🌼Vit c & zinc rich food
🌼Adequate Sunlight
🌼Good hygiene
🌼 proper sleep
🌼lots of L❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ve
#homoeopathicmedicine on a longer run enhances builds ups & improves #immunity
Eventually for smallest symptoms few doses of homoeopathy treats symptoms in short time. Remember constitutional remedy that is regular medicine is like protective shield which doesnt make you ADDICT to medicine but PROTECT you from day to day external HAZARDS