Influenza is an airborne disease, that can pass easily from person to person. Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by either type A or type B Influenza viruses. B is milder than A.
Nasal congestion Cough, Headache, body aches, Chills, Sore throat, Fever Vomiting and diarrhoea Fatigue, Severe symptoms are Breathlessness, High fever Unconsciousness.
Treatment of #influenza
Usually a self-healing disease, last for a week or two
Things to do
*Hydrate *Rest increases food rich in vit c
*Food rich in fibre & protein ‘avoid solids and stick to fluids
homoeopathy remedies are symptom-based and get recovery in a day or 2
Ayurvedic med amla tulsi jyethimadh (mulethi) are excellent supplements
This carbuncle was treated with a single remedy and started healing in a week.
Usually, they are surgically drained but homoeopathy heals without surgery.
Also, carbuncle leaves a deep wound post abscess drainage surgically but with homoeopathy, the pus gets lesser & healthy granulation tissue starts forming.
The key to healing any wound is giving it good sunlight(make sure that fly doesn’t sit on it as maggots may form)