Eye Eyebrows Eyelashes

Wonder Oil For Growth Of Eyelashes & Eyebrows – Dr Rawal Thali

Wonder oil for growth repair of EYELASHES & EYEBROWS!
Exactly 8-9 months back; Promised you that would be back with a FORMULA for #eyebrows #eyelashes growth and here we are!
All things #naturalandorganic take time, conducted on #allsexes this has been quite an achievement.
Especially useful for people who have #eyebrowloss🌷 #eyelashesloss for various reasons this is the best solution and totally #crueltyfree #natural as well as safe!
MADAROSIS #madarosis #madarosistreatment
#eyelashesrecover #eyebrowsrecovery
🌷Happy Healing🌷

Fever Health Influenza

Influenza Treatment – Dr Rawal Thali Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Influenza is an airborne disease, that can pass easily from person to person. Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by either type A or type B Influenza viruses. B is milder than A.

Nasal congestion Cough, Headache, body aches, Chills, Sore throat, Fever Vomiting and diarrhoea Fatigue, Severe symptoms are Breathlessness, High fever Unconsciousness.

Treatment of #influenza
Usually a self-healing disease, last for a week or two
Things to do
*Hydrate *Rest increases food rich in vit c
*Food rich in fibre & protein ‘avoid solids and stick to fluids
homoeopathy remedies are symptom-based and get recovery in a day or 2
Ayurvedic med amla tulsi jyethimadh (mulethi) are excellent supplements

Hair Health Mouth Obesity

Lupus & Homeopathy – Dr. Rawal Thali Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Lupus is an Autoimmune disorder (when the immune system, which normally helps protect the body from infection and disease, attacks its own tissues. )This attack causes inflammation and in some cases permanent tissue damage, which can be widespread – affecting the skin, joints, heart, lung, kidneys, circulating blood cells, and brain.
Factors that trigger lupus are
1)Family History
2)Hormonal factors
3)Environmental factor
Symptoms of lupus can include:
  • Joint pain.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Fever.
  • Sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Hair loss.
  • Mouth sores.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Fatigue.
  • Chest pain.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Swollen glands.
  • Headaches.
  • Confusion.
  • Depression.
  • Issues with the kidneys, heart or lungs.
  • Seizures.
  • Blood clots.
  • Anemia.
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon.
#homoeopathy treats not only the acute symptoms but also reduces or eliminates the remission. It also helps in building immunity therefore reducing the intake of #steroidfree #painkillerfree treatment. Being #autoimmunedisease it also helps in building #resistance therefore developing #immunity
#lupus #lupuswarrior💜 #lupusawareness #lupussupport


Snake & Ancestral Healing-Dr Rawal Thali Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Snake & Ancestral Healing🌷
The snake represents death Transformation regeneration.
“aadi anant sheesh”
Infinite Primeval & Remainder.
Also, the coiled-up snake represents our dormant #kundalini.
According to scripture they are semi divine creatures that reside under earth and have known to carry the weight of #motherearth on them. EVERY LINEAGE IS ASSIGNED A NAGA. Every #clandeity has a naga (their activated kundalini) that protects the #clan.
Any wrong doing in the clan bring dosha or #ancestralkarma to the #successor #progeny. This maltreated or misused energy of the #snake brings in #dosha. There fore remedies like #narayannagbali #naagprathishta #ashleshabali #sarpsamskar
Are performed under a guru’s guidance.
Ancestral Healing is a very profound healing for removing #generationtrauma #generationcurse
That runs through family causing #cyclicalproblems.
#naagpanchami is a day to rever worship as well as performing rituals to the#naagdev #kundalini of #ancestors that might have been misaligned by someone in #lineage
Like we reap the benefit sowed by our ancestors. We also suffer the wrongdoings.
By worshipping and meditating #nagdevta on the 5th day of #shravan, we tend to bring in resilence to the #clan
Detail puja should be performed under the Guru’s guidance and blessing.
Wishing all a fruitful #ancestralhealing #harharmahadev #jaidurge


Carbuncles Skin Disease Cure At- Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

CARBUNCLE(boils) are skin abscesses caused by staphylococcal infection, which involve a hair follicle and surrounding tissue. Carbuncles are clusters of furuncles connected subcutaneously, causing deeper suppuration and scarring.

This carbuncle was treated with a single remedy and started healing in a week.
Usually, they are surgically drained but homoeopathy heals without surgery.
Also, carbuncle leaves a deep wound post abscess drainage surgically but with homoeopathy, the pus gets lesser & healthy granulation tissue starts forming.
The key to healing any wound is giving it good sunlight(make sure that fly doesn’t sit on it as maggots may form)

Health Skin

Pilonidal Sinus Without Surgery – Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

A pilonidal sinus is a small tunnel that develops at the top of the crease in the buttocks. Trapped hair around the buttocks crease can lead to an abscess.
The sinus is like a pipe just under the skin with tiny openings to the surface of the skin.
Children Face Female Health

Water Wisdom & Water Spirit- Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

We all are aware that the human body is made up of five elements panchmahabhutas
Water element has an extra intelligence and we humans have a predominant water element in us. Whenever there is any imbalance in this element we face unnatural events as well as reactions.
water spirit develops in several cultures eg
Sirens (Mediterranean)
Vodyanoy (Eastern Europe)
Sirens (Mediterranean)
Vodyanoy (Eastern Europe)
Rusalka (Eastern Europe)
Mannegishi (Americas)
Kelpies (British Isles)
Nymphs (British Isles)
Uisge (British Isles)
#watergoddess #watergod #suijin #melusine #amphitrite #mamiwata
Most imp Indian #watergoddess #ganga #yamuna #sindhu #narmada #godavari #kaveri #saraswati
People travel great distances to drink or bathe in water from mountains, wells and springs that are empowered with a special essence. #water has the ability to absorb prayers, cleanse unwanted energy and bestow good medicine.
#sacralchakra Is connected to #waterelement
The sacral chakra is connected with freedom fun creativity pleasure  and money
To heal these aspects one has to connect with water energy as well as heal in one’s body too.
water and energy are interconnected.
#vastushastra suggests never to wastewater 💧
Rituals and therapy on water elements are based on the analysis of one’s energy body as well as #astrologicalchart
People especially with #weakmoon #planetcancer being weak can trigger water-related issues.
#energyhealings maps these concerns and med as well as remedies suggested.

Children Face Health Height

Womb Healing – Dr Rawal Thali Holistic Homoepathy Clinic

#wombhealing is a tool that not only enhances the relationship of the child with parents but also heals the child’s journey & parents’ journey as an individual. Human life has traumatic experiences as well as intrinsic behaviour of individual parents. Recently those who have done #wombhealing during #pregnancy have not only had smooth pregnancies in spite of certain complications suggested by gynaecologists but also had effortless delivery. An unborn child from birth till 5 years of age decides whether they want to be in a certain home with certain people. The soul knows previous lifetime #souljourney. Parents who have #traumaticbirth or life relationship or when either partner is #narcissist. The #unborn has a lot of struggle to sustain. #wombwisdom initiates a calm journey as well as balancing the #thoughtprocess of parents as well of #fetus
#wombhealer decides different programmes based on the #mentalwellness of the couple.
Along with #holistichealing #holidticmedicine #holisticnutrition
In my journey as a #energyhealer couples start their #wombwisdom from #conception ( natural or artificial) till #postpartum
Rarely or I can say no one has suffered #postpartumdepression once healing has commenced.
Mother pregnancy has been smooth in spite of having #abruptioplacentae #placentaprevia #eclampsia #anaemia #fetaldistress
Happy Healing
Height Kidney Renal

Renal Stone Gone In A Month- Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

The 26-year-old came with a complain of heaviness in the lower abdomen as well as being on heavy medication( she was totally unaware of what she was taking) first report showed she had 2mm 4 mm calculus R kidney mid-calyx & 3 mm in L kidney inferior calyx.
Kidney stones can increase renal hypertension and give severe migraine. So she was not only put on heavy painkillers but also psychotropic drugs.. previous report was done in FEB and no follow-up post that, resulting in excessive bloating intermittent nausea vomiting severe headaches. My wonderful patient made her start treatment in June, we started on 9th June 2023, on a single constitutional remedy and yesterday x-ray was done to check the STATUS OF #renalstones #kidneystones #kidneystonetreatmenthomoeopathy and the results are here!! Pcos is now the next target, as she was on very heavy medication for symptoms related to kidney stones PCOS, was secondary to treat! Now pray we heal that too in a month🙏 #renalstonehomeopathymedicine #homoeopathicmedicine #energyhealings #energyhealers #energyhealingpractitioner #energyhealersofinstagram

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