Homeopathy Spine

SPINE FRACTURE IN AUGUST 24 in 77yr old female HEALED by NOV 24

Acute L4 compression fracture + 50% loss of vertebral body, kept on homoeopathy remedies to heal the fracture and nerve compression as well as retropulsion. Age is very delicate part as degeneration as well as severe narrowing on canal is an additional factor to be considered in treatment.
We minimized the intake of #painkiller💊 by introducing #homoeopathymedicine
#spinefracture #geriaticrehabilitation #spinerehabilitation #homoeopathy #discherniation #discherniationrecovery #spinehealth
Spine Fracture Healed in 77 Year Old Female
Spine Fracture Healed in 77 Year Old Female
Spine Fracture Healed in 77 Year Old Female
Spine Fracture Healed in 77 Year Old Female at Rawal Thali Clinic
Spine Fracture Healed in 77 Year Old Female
Spine Fracture Healed in 77 Year Old Female By Homeopathy

Cervical Lymphadenopathy

Cervical Lymphadenopathy Grade 2& 3 Treatment by Dr Rawal Thali

The lymphatic system is a network of organs and tissues that helps support immunity. The lymph nodes are tiny, kidney-shaped structures that act as filters in this system. They trap and kill viruses, bacteria, and fungi before these pathogens can return to the bloodstream.
Swollen lymph nodes are usually a sign of infection but can occur from an inflammatory condition, an autoimmune disease, a reaction to a medication, or cancer.
This 4-year-old child came 4 months back, with loss of appetite, and weight loss, was put on homoeopathy and as you can see is almost 80% recovered. Appetite is back, active gained weight and most important #fnac #biopsy AVOIDED.
Most important is to start #homoeopathy #homoeopathicmedicine as soon as the symptom starts. People who are on REGULAR INTAKE OF HOMOEOPATH tend to be in #autohealing mode. #cervicallymphadenitis #cervicallymphnode #lymphoma


ADENOID- Treatment At Dr Rawal Thali’s Holistic Homoepathy Clinic

Adenoids are lymphoid tissue situated in nasal passage & Throat. Like tonsils, adenoids help keep the body healthy by trapping harmful bacteria and viruses we breathe in or swallow. Because of their this FIGHTER TENDENCY, they tend to swell or get infected!
An enlarged adenoid may cause snoring, mouth breathing, persistent congestion, nasal drainage, ear problems, sinusitis, and “nasal” voice quality (the way you sound when you have a cold).
Most of the time surgical removal #adenoidectomy is suggested! BUT HOLD THERE! This is the first line of DEFENCE to #fightinfection
#homoeopathicmedicine not only reduce the size of #adenoids but also #buildimmunity #immunesystem so that our SOLDIERS #adenoid DONT HV TO OVERWORK.
#waterviewxray #caldwellxray are good diagnostic tool.
In case of#adenoidectomy or SCRAPING OF #adenoid DONE! Mk sure the child is on good #homoeopathyimmunebooster
We have successfully avoided many #adenoidectomy #tonsillectomy with #homoeopathy

Dr Meghana Rawal Thali on YouTube Podcast

In our upcoming episode, Dr Meghana, a renowned expert in homoeopathy, tackles the topic of Homeopathy: A Detailed Perspective to Its Unique Healing Approach.🌿🔬

Dr Meghana will share her invaluable insights and experiences on how homoeopathy offers a holistic path to wellness, addressing symptoms and the root causes of various ailments. Whether you’re a long-time believer or simply curious, this episode will not be missed!


Release Date: July 16, Tuesday
#Podcast #Homeopathy #HolisticHealth #WellnessJourney #TransformativeHealing #DrMeghana #NaturalCure #HealthAndWellness #homeopathy #homeopath #drrawalthaliholistichomoeopathyclinic #drrawalthali #internationalcouncilofhomeopathy

Chakra Healing Womb Healing

Womb Healing Sacral Chakra Healing By Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

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The most innocent dimension of one’s aspect, the womb is the place where we learn all our first lessons, in flight mode. WE ARE FORMED IN OUR GRANDMOTHER ( maternal)Womb. So we hold so much information till we are in the physical world. This is the very centre in our system where OUR DIVINE FEMININE & DIVINE MASCULINE meet, thrive and nurture the FURTHER ENERGY PORTALS! Hence ever is stored experienced or cultivated over here forms OUR LIFE PATTERN.
RELATIONSHIP WITH PEOPLE IN WORK LOVE SPACE OR SOCIALLY, all determined by what we store and play here!
Through womb healing prog by us, ONE STEPS INTO THEIR TRUE INTUITIVE POWER, YOUR TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF, POWER YOU HAVE TO UNLOCK YOUR MANIFESTATIONS. A session that helps you understand heal & nurture your power place and clear past traumas with the application of energy healing & natural medicines.
To be a mother or mom-to-be MUST DO WOMB HEALING so that they do not pass GENERATIONAL TRAUMA to their newborn.
#drrawalthaliholistichomoeopathyclinic has its own developed #wombhealing session.
#wombhealing #sacrachakrahealing #wombwellness #sterility #pcos #relationshipcoach #fibroids
Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing From Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

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chakras are focal points of energy, or prana, in the body. In between these wheels are energy channels, which allow the energy to flow from one place to another. spiritual or psychic energy from the subtle body influences the physical body and vice versa.
The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. Evidence of chakras, spelt chakra, is also found in the Shri Jabala Darshana Upanishad, the Cudamini Upanishad, the Yoga-Shikka Upanishad and the Shandilya Upanishad.
🌺Muladhara (root chakra): This chakra is at the bottom of the spine, between the anus and genitals. It purportedly influences the basic urges of sex, food, sleep, and self-preservation. LAM
🍊Svadhisthana (sacral chakra): Located at the pelvis, this chakra influences the regulation of emotions and desires. VAM
🌼Manipura (navel chakra): This chakra is just below the navel. Strength in this chakra aids digestion and the ability to process life’s experiences. RAM
☘️Anahata (heart chakra): This chakra is located at the heart, and its purpose is to help a person connect with unconditional love. YAM
💙Vishuddha (throat chakra): Positioned at the pit of the throat, this chakra’s function is authenticity and personal expression. HAM
💜Ajna (third eye chakra): Located between the eyebrows, this chakra is a seat of inner knowledge and consciousness. OM
🤍Sahasrara (crown chakra): Located just above the top of the head, this chakra’s role is to promote a more enlightened approach to the world. AUM
Ancient Hindu texts have bija Akshar which while chanting activates these portals. Bringing balance between the outer and inner world.
#chakrahealing session conducted by our clinic in a unique way that we have programmed is an easy way to cleanse heal & energise the chakra by the patient themselves.
#chakrabalancing #chakraalignment #chakrameditation
Many have benefitted! Book your session soon🕉️

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