
Mastectomy Cure in Homeopathy at Dr Rawal Thali

80 + female operated on for an aggressive carcinoma, came with complaint of scar tissue bleeding as well pain. Swelling and bleeding raised fear of SOME CARCINOGENIC CELLS BEING TRAPPED as well as chances of scar tissue turning malignant.
Med was selected on the constitutional picture of the female. We not only stopped bleeding reduced swelling but if u see the scar tumor is far regressed and the patient relieved.
#homoeopathy is an excellent choice #postcancer #postcancerlife #homoeopathy_cures #cancer #malignancy provided the treatment starts asap.
I would advise people to start #homoeopathicremedies along with their conventional medicine as it not only accelerates #healing but alleviates #chemotherapysideeffect
A big thank you to people who entrust


Dementia Cure With Homeopathy At Dr. Rawal Thali

Dementia is a general term for symptoms affecting memory, communication, and thinking.
Types and causes of dementiaTrusted Sources include:
📕Alzheimer’s disease
📕vascular dementia
📕Lewy body dementia, which may occur with Parkinson’s disease
frontotemporal dementia
📕mixed dementia
memory problems
asking the same question repeatedly
difficulty finding or understanding words
feeling confused in an unfamiliar environment
problems dealing with money and numbers
anxiety and withdrawal
difficulty planning and carrying out tasks
mood changes
personality and behavioural changes
sleep disturbances
changes in social awareness, such as making inappropriate jokes
obsessive tendencies.
Early stage
At this stage, it may not seem that a person has dementia. They may:
become more forgetful
lose track of time
feel lost in familiar locations
Middle stage
At this stage, the symptoms become more noticeable and include:
forgetting names and recent events
feeling lost when at home
difficulty communicating
behavioural changes
repeatedly asking questions
needing help with personal care
Late stage
At this stage, a person needs full-time assistance, as the impact of the symptoms typically becomes more severe. The person may:
be unaware of where they are
be unaware of the time
have difficulty recognizing loved ones
find it hard to walk
experience behavioural changes, which may include aggression.
#homoeopathy not only delays symptoms as well as #dementiasupport by slowing degeneration.
#dementiaprevention #dementiaawareness #dementia