
CICATRICES – Treatment At Dr RawalThali’s Holistic Homoepathy Clinic

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This beautiful 23 year old met with accident & land up injuring her face tissue a tad deeper wound.
#cicatrices were formed.
A cicatrice is a scar, the mark left on your skin when a cut, scrape, or burn Injury occurs. And that too on JAW BONE.
The initial stages of collagen formation in wound repair produce a fragile layer of almost translucent collagen. As healing progresses, more collagen is produced, slso the blood vessels and ECM recede and are replaced by increased levels of type I collagen. In time, the damaged area becomes stronger than the original tissue. If the damage is significant enough, the replacement collagen will contract, making the damaged area smaller. However, any tension or undue strain can damage or dehisce the scar. The wound’s long axis is thought to correspond to the highest static tension of the skin. Therefore, the pull is primarily determined by the protrusion of the underlying bone, cartilage, and tissue bulk that the skin covers.
Here we saved the skin from getting pulled and healing to ho linear. The skin had to go back being smooth.
Target achieved in 4 months.
#homoeopathicmedicine #homoeopathy #centralcouncilofhomoeopathy #maharashtracouncilofhomoeopathy
#radarsoftware #skinhealing

Autism is a developmental disorder-Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

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Autism is a developmental disorder affecting physical, social, and language skills, with an onset of signs and symptoms typically before age three.
Signs of autism in children
🌼not responding to their names.
avoiding eye contact.
🌼not smiling when you smile at them.
getting very upset if they do not like a certain taste, smell or sound.
🌼repetitive movements, such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers or rocking their body.
🌼not talking as much as other children.
The current science suggests that several genetic factors may increase the risk of autism in a complex manner. People with certain specific genetic conditions such as Fragile X Syndrome and Tuberous Sclerosis are at increased risk for being diagnosed with autism. These two conditions together with hundreds of individually rare genetic causes for autism explain over 30% of cases.
🌼Play therapy
🌼Speech therapy
🌼Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
🌼Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
🌼Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) for aggressive behaviours.
Homoeopathy role in autism.
Genetic mutation or tendency can to a greater extent be corrected in parents before they plan to conceive for eg
#acetaminophentablet use during pregnancy was more strongly associated with an increased risk of #adhd and #asd
#highstresslevel in #pregnancy
#antidepressant, acetaminophen and a class of asthma drugs. Mothers-to-be who take these drugs may as much as double their risk of having a child with autism.
So #homoeopathyremedies easily bring above health condition in control avoiding #autism
Also, #autistickids symptoms can easily be reduced by homoeopathy