CRP Health Heart

Creative Protein: Symptoms & Treatment By Dr Rawal Thali

CRP is made in the liver in response to the activity of white blood cells, which fight infection and inflammation in the body. When white blood cells are more active (for example, because they’re fighting an infection), more CRP is made. That’s why CRP can be a biomarker for inflammation, and why the test can be used to help diagnose inflammatory conditions. CRP levels are also used to screen for cardiovascular risk.
Mild Elevation (3-10 mg/L)
πŸ“•Periodontal disease
πŸ“•Mild viral infections (e.g., the common cold)
πŸ“•Moderate (over 10 mg/L)
πŸ“•Autoimmune disorders (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis inflammatory bowel disease)
πŸ“•Heart attack
πŸ“•Respiratory infections (e.g., acute bronchitis)
πŸ“•Some cancers (e.g., liver, lung, colon, breast, and endometrium) Marked Elevation (over 100 mg/L)
πŸ“•Serious bacterial or viral infections
πŸ“•Whole-body (systemic) blood vessel inflammation (vasculitis)
πŸ“•Major traumas or injury
Natural ways of lowering CRP
🌸Vit c rich food
🌸Dark chocolate
🌸Increase Fibre. Lots of green leafy vegetables
🌸omega 3 fatty acids
🌸Regular exercise ( body pain makes it difficult but start slow and be consistent)
🌸adequate sleep
#crp #creactiveprotein #inflammationrelief #inflammationdiet #inflammationsupport #crpdownnaturally
Female Fungal Infection Health Yeast

Vaginal yeast infection : Symptoms, Cause & Treatment- Dr Rawal Thali

A vaginal yeast infection is a type of fungal infection. Your body contains a kind of yeast called candida, which causes vaginal yeast infections.
Yeast infections with discharge look thick and white, like cottage cheese.
πŸ“•irritation of the vagina or vulva, which is the tissue surrounding the vagina pain or soreness in the vagina or the vaginal opening vaginal burning with intercourse or urination
πŸ“•watery discharge
πŸ“•Severe Rash
πŸ“•High intake of sugar
πŸ“•Gluten Intolerance
πŸ“•Unhygienic sexual contact
πŸ“•weakened immunity
πŸ“•contraceptive device

#probiotic #boricacid #teatreeoil #oreganooil #lactobacillus #applecidervinegar
Calcarea carb
Nitric acid
homoeopathy should be taken under a homoeopaths doctor’s guidance❀️
Foot Knee Pain

Cure Your Knee Joint Or Knee Pain By Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

πŸ“•Sprained or strained knee ligaments and/or muscles. A sprained or strained knee ligament or muscle is usually caused by a blow to the knee or a sudden twist of the knee.
πŸ“•Torn cartilage.
I will directly jump to the treatment part!
πŸ“•swelling signifies effusion means liquid has accumulated around the knee and causes inflammation.
πŸ“•knee buckles click or locks
πŸ“•cannot bear weight or walk a step
πŸ“•slightest movement causes excruciating pain
πŸ“•fever numbness in the knee
Home care
πŸ“•Rest and avoid activities that cause pain. πŸ“•Avoid putting weight on your knee.
πŸ“•Apply ice. First, apply it every hour for up to 15 minutes. After the first day, apply it at least 4 times per day. Cover your knee with a towel before applying ice. Do not fall asleep while using ice. You can leave it on too long and get frostbite.
πŸ“•Keep your knee raised as much as possible to bring down any swelling.
πŸ“•Wear an elastic bandage or elastic sleeve, This may reduce swelling and provide support.
πŸ“•Rhus tox
πŸ“•benzoic acid
A diet rich in enhancing cartilage health, tendon support, calcium magnesium-rich food, and application of external natural liniment.
#kneepainrelief #cartilagepain #bursitis #patellartendonitis #tendon
Calluses Corn

Corns & Calluses-60+ female Treated with constitutional Homoeopathy Remedy

A corn is similar to a callus in that it is an area of thickened skin caused by pressure or friction, however, there are a few key differences that separate the two. Corn is smaller and has a painful “core” centre surrounded by inflamed skin. As the corn becomes thicker and bigger they develop internally in deeper layers of skin often causing pain and discomfort. It is common for them to appear on weight-bearing areas of your skin, for example, the soles of your feet. These corns are usually known as hard corns, where the skin has adapted and the painful “core” of the corn has become hard.
Corns can also develop on non-weight-bearing areas of the foot, specifically between toes that are “squashed” together. This is known as soft corn. They are whitish/grey and are often softer and thinner in texture. These form where the surface of the skin can become damp and inadequately dry, often due to sweating.
Poor-fitting footwear This could be footwear that’s too tight and narrow, causing them to rub against the feet or footwear that’s too big or loose, meaning your foot repeatedly slides against the shoe.
Excessive pronation of the foot (the extent to which your arch collapses inward when you walk) creates increased pressure at the front of your feet and toes
Feet with high arches can experience excessive pressure on the outside of the feet
Poor range of motion and mobility in joints
Long periods of standing on your feet
Previous trauma or surgery that has altered the structure of your feet, may mean excessive pressure is applied to new areas of the foot.
Conditions where bones are located closer to the skin’s surface (bony prominences) may cause more rubbing and friction e.g. bunions & Tailor’s bunions or rheumatoid arthritis.
Specific walking and running patterns that may place extra pressure on a specific area of the foot e.g. flat feet.
#corns #cornsandcalluses #calluses #homoeopathy_cures #homoeopathytherapeutics

Mastectomy Cure in Homeopathy at Dr Rawal Thali

80 + female operated on for an aggressive carcinoma, came with complaint of scar tissue bleeding as well pain. Swelling and bleeding raised fear of SOME CARCINOGENIC CELLS BEING TRAPPED as well as chances of scar tissue turning malignant.
Med was selected on the constitutional picture of the female. We not only stopped bleeding reduced swelling but if u see the scar tumor is far regressed and the patient relieved.
#homoeopathy is an excellent choice #postcancer #postcancerlife #homoeopathy_cures #cancer #malignancy provided the treatment starts asap.
I would advise people to start #homoeopathicremedies along with their conventional medicine as it not only accelerates #healing but alleviates #chemotherapysideeffect
A big thank you to people who entrust

Dementia Cure With Homeopathy At Dr. Rawal Thali

Dementia is a general term for symptoms affecting memory, communication, and thinking.
Types and causes of dementiaTrusted Sources include:
πŸ“•Alzheimer’s disease
πŸ“•vascular dementia
πŸ“•Lewy body dementia, which may occur with Parkinson’s disease
frontotemporal dementia
πŸ“•mixed dementia
memory problems
asking the same question repeatedly
difficulty finding or understanding words
feeling confused in an unfamiliar environment
problems dealing with money and numbers
anxiety and withdrawal
difficulty planning and carrying out tasks
mood changes
personality and behavioural changes
sleep disturbances
changes in social awareness, such as making inappropriate jokes
obsessive tendencies.
Early stage
At this stage, it may not seem that a person has dementia. They may:
become more forgetful
lose track of time
feel lost in familiar locations
Middle stage
At this stage, the symptoms become more noticeable and include:
forgetting names and recent events
feeling lost when at home
difficulty communicating
behavioural changes
repeatedly asking questions
needing help with personal care
Late stage
At this stage, a person needs full-time assistance, as the impact of the symptoms typically becomes more severe. The person may:
be unaware of where they are
be unaware of the time
have difficulty recognizing loved ones
find it hard to walk
experience behavioural changes, which may include aggression.
#homoeopathy not only delays symptoms as well as #dementiasupport by slowing degeneration.
#dementiaprevention #dementiaawareness #dementia

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