
Surgical PILONIDAL CYST, Pilonidal sinus Treated in a week – Dr Rawal Thali

Surgical PILONIDAL CYST, Pilonidal sinus, on its way to recovery in 1 week.
A pilonidal cyst is a round sac of tissue that’s filled with air or fluid. This common type of cyst is located in the crease of the buttocks and is usually caused by a skin infection.
If they’re not treated, chronic pilonidal cysts can also lead to abscesses (swollen pockets of infection) and sinus cavities (empty spaces underneath the skin).
They may be recurrent. Usually surgery is an option.
These are one of the many pilonidal cyst, sinus that has been treated with homoeopathy.


Homeopathy XEROSIS

Xerosis, Commonly Known As Dry Skin, Crack Skin- Dr Rawal Thali

XEROSIS CUTIS #xerosiscutis
DRY SKIN #dryskin
Xerosis, commonly known as dry skin, is a condition of rough, scaling, and sometimes cracking skin.
Dry skin is caused by environmental factors, such as cold weather and frequent bathing, as well as by medical conditions such as atopic dermatitis (eczema), hypothyroidism, and malnutrition. Dry skin develops due to a decrease in the natural oils in the outer layer of skin, which makes the skin lose water.
Sometime leaving #darkdiscoloration to the skin.
#homoeopathy along with our clinic creams enable to produce own moisture.
#atopicdermatitis #atopicdermatitis #xerosis #xerosiscutis


Cellulitis- Skin Discoloration, Swelling, and Tenderness Solution- Dr Rawal Thali

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection in the deeper layers of skin and the fat and soft tissue underneath. Symptoms can include skin discoloration, swelling, and tenderness.
It can start suddenly and may become life threatening without prompt treatment.
Mild cases involve a localized infection, with discoloration in one area. More serious cases involve a rapidly spreading infection that can lead toTrusted Source an extreme immune response called sepsis.
Cellulitis usually begins as a swollen, pink, or red patch of skin that may increase in size and severity as the infection spreads. This patch of skin may look darker in darker skin tones.
The following symptoms may occur in the affected area:
discoloration and swelling
tenderness and pain
Some people develop blisters also the lymph glands may swell & become tender.
Obesity & heart condition may trigger this.
This gentleman recovered completely on #cellulitiBefore Treatment at Dr RawalThali’s Holistic Homoepathy Clinics
Cellulitis- After Treatment at Rawal Thali Clinic

Aphthous ulcers

Aphthous ulcers (oral aphthous) Healing At Dr. Rawal Thali Clinic

POST 3rd generation #antibiotics this gentleman developed #deepulcer in the #oralmucousa completely making eating drinking difficult and excruciatingly painful.
Post a week of homoeopathy #oralhealth improved and patient was able to eat.
Aphthous ulcers (oral aphthous), commonly known as canker sores, present a prevalent oral concern affecting 20-25% of the population. Unlike fever blisters (cold sores), aphthous ulcers are painful white or yellow sores that emerge inside the mouth and are not contagious. Oral apotheosis is a painful inflammatory process of the oral mucosa. If recurrence occurs frequently, the condition is recurrent aphthous stomatitis RAS. #homoeopathy #homoeopathicmedicine #mouthulcercure
Aphthous Healing
Aphthous Healing
Aphthous Healing
Aphthous Healing
Aphthous Healing
Aphthous Healing