Choose Homeopathy
Choose The Best Care
For Yourself
Homeopathy is a structured system of approach towards health & disease with the sole principle of similarity. It is purely scientific because the perceptions are based on successful experiments. The mission of every medical science that has been developed over the ages, is to heal the sick. Every system is successful in its own way, whereas homeopathy increases immunity and recharges the defensive cell mechanism in a human body. These defensive cells fight the sickness with incredible results. There are no toxic effects of the remedies and they are absolutely safe for all the age groups.
History of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a medical science that was discovered in the late 18th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). He was a conservatively qualified German physician, who eventually felt dissatisfied with the medical practices of his day, which was comprised of large doses of drugs. He then started researching for alternative forms of medication which were not up to his expectations. he eventually abandoned his practice for a long time. However, towards the end of 18th century, he performed an experiment on himself, with cinchona bark (quinine) to note the effect. This came to him as a surprise in which he experienced for a few hours, symptoms of Malaria. This experiment provided food for his thought. He realized that quinine treats Malaria because it can produce symptoms of Malaria in a healthy person. This idea acted as the seed of homeopathy. Hahnemann was of the belief that “like c ures like” He believed that minute concentrations of any particular toxin have the potential to treat the same symptoms it causes, in larger doses.