Health Neck torticollis

Torticollis Treatment in Homeopathy -Dr Rawal Thali

Completely Treated in 10 years in 4 days.
A wry neck, or torticollis, is a neck painfully twisted and tilted to one side. The top of the head generally tilts to one side while the chin tilts to the other side.
Types of torticollis
Temporary torticollis
This type of wry neck usually disappears after one or two days. It can be due to:
Swollen lymph nodes
An ear infection
A cold
An injury to your head and neck that causes swelling
Fixed torticollis
Fixed torticollis is also called acute torticollis or permanent torticollis. It’s usually due to a problem with the muscular or bone structure.
Muscular torticollis
This is the most common type of fixed torticollis. It results from scarring or tight muscles on one side of the neck.
Klippel-Feil syndrome
This is a rare, congenital form of wry neck. It occurs when the bones in your baby’s neck form incorrectly, notably due to two neck vertebrae being fused together. Children born with this condition may have difficulty with hearing and vision.
Cervical dystonia
This rare disorder is sometimes referred to as spasmodic torticollis. It causes neck muscles to contract in spasms. If you have cervical dystonia, your head twists or turns painfully to one side. It may also tilt forward or backwards. Cervical dystonia sometimes goes away without treatment, but there’s a risk of recurrence.
Cervical dystonia can happen to anyone. However, it’s most commonly diagnosed in people who are roughly ages 40 to 60. It also affects more women than men.
An inability to move your head normally
Neck pain or stiffness
A headache
Having one shoulder higher than the other
Swollen neck muscles
A tilting of your chin to one side.
Homoeopathy can successfully treat this condition permanently.
Happy Healing🌷
#drrawalthaliholistic #homoeopathyclinic #homoeopathicmedicine #homoeopathy #wryneck #homoeopath #surgicalcasestreatednaturally

Ear Face Health Height

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders – Dr. Meghana Rawal Thali

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are located in front of each of your ears, joining your lower jaw to your skull. You can easily locate it by opening and closing your mouth and feeling for the joint with your fingers.
A TMJ disorder may occur when there is a problem with the actual TMJ or with the muscles surrounding it. Besides a dull pain at the site of the joint near the ear, a TMJ disorder may trigger headache, ear pain, neck stiffness, and popping or clicking of the jaw.
It was originally thought that TMJ disorders were due to misalignment of the upper and lower teeth.1 While this structural factor still plays a role, experts believe that other factors (e.g., emotional and environmental) are involved.
To help ease sore jaw muscles, place a cold or warm compress on your jaw and gently massage your jaw muscles. Eat a soft diet, cut food into small pieces and avoid hard, chewy or sticky foods. Try not to open your mouth too wide, even when you yawn. And most importantly, relax your jaw muscles
1. Inflammatory conditions Synovitis Retrodiscitis
2. Internal derangement Disc displacement with reduction
3. Arthritis rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, infectious arthritis, Reiter’s syndrome and gout
4. Hypermobility disorders such as Marfan syndrome, Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy
5. Muscle spasm
6. cervical postural disorders
7. Temporal Tendinopathy
8. Fractures
Treatment; #homoeopathymedicine treats #tmjdisorder from roots
I usually suggest manual techniques including intra-oral myofascial release and massage therapy on masticatory muscles, atlantooccipital joint thrust manipulation, and upper cervical spine mobilization
#temperomandibularjointdisorder #drrawalthaliholistichomoeopathyclinic
Gallstones Health

Gallstones Treatment At -Dr Rawal Thali Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Gallstones begin with bile, a substance that helps with the digestion of fats and the absorption of certain vitamins. Bile is made in the liver and carried to the gallbladder, a small, pear-shaped organ that concentrates and stores it. The fat in food triggers the release of a hormone that causes the gallbladder to contract and release bile into the intestine.
When stored bile crystallizes forms #gallstones
Ranging from the size of sawdust to the size ball!
When liquid bile has more #cholesterol and GB is not contractn n emptying=cholesterol stones form.
The problem arises when the duct gets blocked. Women are prone because of estrogen level that increases stones. #obesity is also a factor:
Gallstones may cause pain. Pain develops when the stones pass from the gallbladder into the cystic duct, common bile duct, or ampulla of Vater and block the duct. Then the gallbladder swells, causing pain called biliary colic. The pain is felt in the upper abdomen, usually on the right side under the ribs.
To do:
🌼 Have monosaturated fatty acid & omega 3 fatty acid food eg avocadoes canola oil olive oil flax seeds fish oil low-fat yoghurt
🌼Lean protein- fish beans lentils
🌼Vit c magnesium folic acid in fruits green vegetables brown rice oats asparagus broccoli red green peppers
#homoeopathicmedicine works wonder in #dissolvinggallstones
Treated several in practice till now.

Dengu Health

Dengue treated completely by Homeopathy -Dr. RawalThali

#dengue treated completely by #homoeopathy
15-year-old child; Platelet was maintained throughout the disease and LFT was also brought into control.


The most common symptom of dengue is fever with any of the following:

  • Nausea, vomiting
    Aches and pains (eye pain, typically behind the eyes, muscle, joint, or bone pain)
    Belly pain, tenderness
    Vomiting (at least 3 times in 24 hours)
    Bleeding from the nose or gums
    Vomiting blood, or blood in the stool
    Feeling tired, restless, or irritable

Eye Eyebrows Eyelashes

Wonder Oil For Growth Of Eyelashes & Eyebrows – Dr Rawal Thali

Wonder oil for growth repair of EYELASHES & EYEBROWS!
Exactly 8-9 months back; Promised you that would be back with a FORMULA for #eyebrows #eyelashes growth and here we are!
All things #naturalandorganic take time, conducted on #allsexes this has been quite an achievement.
Especially useful for people who have #eyebrowloss🌷 #eyelashesloss for various reasons this is the best solution and totally #crueltyfree #natural as well as safe!
MADAROSIS #madarosis #madarosistreatment
#eyelashesrecover #eyebrowsrecovery
🌷Happy Healing🌷

Fever Health Influenza

Influenza Treatment – Dr Rawal Thali Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Influenza is an airborne disease, that can pass easily from person to person. Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by either type A or type B Influenza viruses. B is milder than A.

Nasal congestion Cough, Headache, body aches, Chills, Sore throat, Fever Vomiting and diarrhoea Fatigue, Severe symptoms are Breathlessness, High fever Unconsciousness.

Treatment of #influenza
Usually a self-healing disease, last for a week or two
Things to do
*Hydrate *Rest increases food rich in vit c
*Food rich in fibre & protein ‘avoid solids and stick to fluids
homoeopathy remedies are symptom-based and get recovery in a day or 2
Ayurvedic med amla tulsi jyethimadh (mulethi) are excellent supplements

Hair Health Mouth Obesity

Lupus & Homeopathy – Dr. Rawal Thali Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Lupus is an Autoimmune disorder (when the immune system, which normally helps protect the body from infection and disease, attacks its own tissues. )This attack causes inflammation and in some cases permanent tissue damage, which can be widespread – affecting the skin, joints, heart, lung, kidneys, circulating blood cells, and brain.
Factors that trigger lupus are
1)Family History
2)Hormonal factors
3)Environmental factor
Symptoms of lupus can include:
  • Joint pain.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Fever.
  • Sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Hair loss.
  • Mouth sores.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Fatigue.
  • Chest pain.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Swollen glands.
  • Headaches.
  • Confusion.
  • Depression.
  • Issues with the kidneys, heart or lungs.
  • Seizures.
  • Blood clots.
  • Anemia.
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon.
#homoeopathy treats not only the acute symptoms but also reduces or eliminates the remission. It also helps in building immunity therefore reducing the intake of #steroidfree #painkillerfree treatment. Being #autoimmunedisease it also helps in building #resistance therefore developing #immunity
#lupus #lupuswarrior💜 #lupusawareness #lupussupport


Snake & Ancestral Healing-Dr Rawal Thali Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Snake & Ancestral Healing🌷
The snake represents death Transformation regeneration.
“aadi anant sheesh”
Infinite Primeval & Remainder.
Also, the coiled-up snake represents our dormant #kundalini.
According to scripture they are semi divine creatures that reside under earth and have known to carry the weight of #motherearth on them. EVERY LINEAGE IS ASSIGNED A NAGA. Every #clandeity has a naga (their activated kundalini) that protects the #clan.
Any wrong doing in the clan bring dosha or #ancestralkarma to the #successor #progeny. This maltreated or misused energy of the #snake brings in #dosha. There fore remedies like #narayannagbali #naagprathishta #ashleshabali #sarpsamskar
Are performed under a guru’s guidance.
Ancestral Healing is a very profound healing for removing #generationtrauma #generationcurse
That runs through family causing #cyclicalproblems.
#naagpanchami is a day to rever worship as well as performing rituals to the#naagdev #kundalini of #ancestors that might have been misaligned by someone in #lineage
Like we reap the benefit sowed by our ancestors. We also suffer the wrongdoings.
By worshipping and meditating #nagdevta on the 5th day of #shravan, we tend to bring in resilence to the #clan
Detail puja should be performed under the Guru’s guidance and blessing.
Wishing all a fruitful #ancestralhealing #harharmahadev #jaidurge

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