Female Menstrual

Menstrual Cycle is Governed By Levels of Progesterone – Dr. Rawal Thali

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Menstrual cycle is governed by levels of progesterone, estradiol, follicular stimulating, and luteinizing hormones.
Estrogen helps build the cushiony uterine lining, known as the endometrium, that will nourish a fertilized egg. If no fertilization than shredding will lining will happen leading to menses.
Progesterone is usually highest around the middle of the luteal phase and is associated with an increase in cravings and hunger. Luteal phase starts 7-10 days of ones menses. Estrogen on the other hand reduces appetite just before your menses about to begin. Your hormone shifts throughout your cycle also impact happy hormones like serotonin. Dip in serotinin happens before period hence making one crave for carbohydrate & SUGAR.
Simple hack is substituting sugar with jiggery naturally sweet dry fruits. Rice & Bread substituted with whole wheat or millet prep and brown rice.
Heavily aerated & sugar loaded drinks substituted with natural fresh fruit juices.
Mobility every 20 mins as well as regular sleeping schedule.
There are innumerable Homoeopathy & Bach flower remedies that modulate hormonal imbalance as well as control emotion based cravings.
Make sure you are well hydrated on regular basis as it reduces hunger pangs as well as aids in digestion.
Avoid strict dieting & rigorous workouts but observe your cycle for 2-3 months and substitute your cravings for their healthy variants.
Health Height

Height Increase Irrespective of Genetic Makeup- Dr Rawal Thali

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In my 19 years as a homoeopath i have seen wonderful result in height increment irrespective of genetic makeup or parents height status. Teens could achieve 4-5 inches more height compared to their parents who were short.
How does homoeopathy help??
Height depends upon GROWTH HORMONE ( conventional med suggests GH injection or Anabolic steroids)
Homoeopathy that believes in INDIVIDUALISATION of case, stimulates right amount of GH from your PITUITARY GLAND at right time of age and brings in strengthening and elongation of vertebral column and its cartilages as well as of long bones in ones body.
#homoeopathy expands the disc that is between vertebral column as enhance the growth of the distal end of femur vertebrae and proximal end of tibia which has the tendency to grow. Recent study has shown young adults still can grow taller though the bone has ossified, because of the above factor.
Most important is INDIVIDUALISED CASE HISTORY & not taken over the counter med!
Eye Face Health Skin

Crow’s Feet, Laugh Lines, Wrinkles Treatment – Dr. Rawal Thali

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Crow’s feet, laugh lines,wrinkles, whatever you call it, they’re those pesky lines around the eyes. They’re called Crow’s feet because they can sort of look like the foot of a many-toed crow planted on the crow of your eye.
Homoeopathy has some best skin tightening creams as well as medicines that can. Reduce eliminate fine line wrinkle as well as sagging skin. Excellent in enhacing SKIN CONTOUR AS WELL AS ANTI AGEING


Haemorrhagic Cyst Successfully Treated By Homoeopathy- Dr Rawal Thali

Sometimes stress, dietary anomalies and some time genetic pattern can lead to cyst and fibroid in uterus. This wonderful woman entrusted homoeopathy right when she felt symptomatic. Homoeopathy works very well in several female related disorders. Happy Healing❤️ #uterinecysts #hemorrhagiccyst #endometrialcyst #endometriosis #adenomyosis #polycysticovariansyndrome #polycysticovarysyndrome #pcod #pcos

Abdomen Food Health Men Obesity

Fatty Liver Treatment – Dr Meghana Rawal Thali

Is a condition caused by too much fat on liver.
Depending on the concentration of fat, it is graded.
1) high fructose diet – sweets. Esp Fruit Juices.
2) Fat rich diet
3) check your oil, linoleic acid based oil, affects liver.
4) POORLY FED MEAT( not grass)
1) Turmeric rich food
3) Castor oil packs on liver area
Health Hydroceles Men Skin

Hydrocele & Varicocele Treatment- Dr. Meghana Rawal Thali

Hydroceles and varicoceles are types of testicular lumps and swellings involving the male scrotum. However they differ because hydrocele is a swelling caused by fluid around the testicle, whereas varicocele is a swelling caused by dilated or enlarged veins within the testicles.
A hydrocele is a build-up of liquid in a fold of mucous membrane which surrounds the testicle, inside the scrotum (testicle sac). It usually presents as a painless swelling in one or both testicles.
A swelling in the scrotum can also be due to a varicocele. This occurs when the veins that take blood away from the testicle become engorged with blood, similar to a varicose vein that you might get in a leg.
Varicoceles are most common on the left-hand side of the scrotum, due to the arrangement of the veins on that side. They have been described as feeling like ‘a bag of worms’. They’re usually noticeable when standing up, but the swelling disappears when you lie down as the blood in the engorged veins drains away.
Both are easily treated with #homoeopathicmedicine
Home Remedies #hydrocele
🌻Epsom salt bath
🌻Fruit rich Diet
🌻100 ml aloe vera juice +100 ml amla juice every day
🌻Rhododendron clematic lycopodium are good homoeopathy remedy.
Home Remedy #varicocele
🌻Ice packs
🌻Use Jockstrap
🌻Food rich in Fibres
🌻Kegel Exercise
🌻Hamamelis Pulsatilla Lycopodium

Children Face Health Skin

Colic In Babies – Dr Rawal Thali

First 3 months are extremely critical n crucial for the parents. Suddenly the child is now physically having his intial food by MAKING MOVEMENT OF THEIR NOT SO ACTIVE JAWS. As a result while suckling they pull a lot of air inside their system. Even what mother eats influences infants gut those who are breastfed. Those on TOP FOOD, develop lilttle more gut issues because of the heavy contents in it.
🪷 compulsory burping post feed
🪷water based thin paste of asafetida (Hing) on tummy and lil in navel.
🪷mother should increase uptake of ajwain(caraway seeds), (cardamom) elaichi as well flax seeds in her diet.
🪷warm water tub bath with few drops caraway oil or oregano oil or lemon
🪷placing baby on their tummy n massaging feet with lukewarm mustard oil.
🪷HOMOEOPATHY REMEDIES LIKE colocynthis aethusa magphos chamomila natphos helps 100%.
Last new parents should keep calm as child picks parents energy.

Dental Face Health Oral

Canker Sore -Dr RawalThali’s Holistic Homeopathy Clinic

Single dose of homoeopathy remedy was given, in a high potency. And natural remedies for rinsing.
Canker sore are formed because of diet lacking in vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid) or iron. An allergic response to certain bacteria in your mouth. Helicobacter pylori, the same bacteria that cause peptic ulcers.
They are usually in inner cheek tongue under lips and may look like a small crater, making eating drinking talking difficult.
It is very important to keep mouth hygiene esp. people who are on phone most of the time as well as have less intake of water. #cankersore #apthousulcers #stomatis #homoeopathicmedicine #homoeopathy #homoeopath

Abdomen Food Health leg

URIC ACID Normalisation in 30 Days – Dr Rawal Thali

35+ woman came with high uric acid & complaints following same. Was kept on a single constitutional remedy & viola! Reduction in value.
The level of uric acid in our bodies goes up when the amount of purines in our meals is increased. Purines are responsible for the production of uric acid. They are found in meats, alcohol, sea food and other food items. When digestion of these foods takes place inside the body, purine is released into the blood stream. Uric acid level is also increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes other factors like intake of insufficient water, consumption of medicines and obesity can also affect the uric acid level in the blood.
Certain Homoeopathy remedies are rich in XOA!
Xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitors can reduce the production of UA in the purine metabolism, thus reducing the serum UA level.
Ofcourse as homoeopathy works on principle of INDIVIDUALISATION. Constitutional medicines act wonders.
Along with dietary regulations patients elevated level can be normalized.

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