#ringworm #tineaversicolor #tineacapitis #tineapedis #homoeopathy #homoeopathicmedicine #homoeopath #skinhealth #magickalherbs
A woman doesn’t require parameters to define her beauty, this lovely lady came with dark circles severe acne as well as uneven skin tone!
When veins become enlarged swollen and twisted because the valve inside them is damaged resulting in a reverse flow of blood! Varicose veins most commonly affect the veins in the legs. That’s because standing and walking increase the pressure in the veins of the lower body.
🐞 wear elastocrepe stockings
🐞watch your weight
🐞Light massage from ankle to thigh
🐞High fiber low salt diet
🐞Mild exercise
🐞pillow below the leg, keep leg slightly elevated during sleep.
Homeopathy has fabulous remedies to maintain the health of vein
🌸Carbo veg🌸Hamamelis
🌸Pulsatilla🌸plumbum met
A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled lump below the surface of the skin that appears near joints and tendons.
Most ganglion cysts are on the wrist, finger, or foot.
Your ganglion cyst may or may not be painful. The cysts are typically oval or round and may be soft or very firm. Cysts at the base of the finger on the palm side are typically very firm. They are often smaller than a pea and tender to pressure, such as when gripping something.
Cysts at the end of the finger just below the fingernail are often associated with arthritis. They are called mucous cysts. The chronic pressure from the cyst on the tissue that creates the fingernail can result in a nail depression or groove. This nail groove often goes away when the cyst is treated. The fingertip swelling can be confused with a wart or a nail fold infection. Consider seeing a hand surgeon if initial treatments for a fingertip lump do not seem to be working. With mucous cysts, the overlying skin may become stretched thin. This thin skin may break, causing the thick jelly-like fluid to come out. If this occurs, gently press in the area to get as much fluid out, clean the finger with soap and water, and cover the puncture site until it is fully sealed and healed after a few days. If this skin opening becomes red and painful, it may be infected. Because the skin hole communicates with the joint, it can rapidly destroy the cartilage of a joint. Because the joint may already have arthritis, it becomes urgent to receive treatment for the infection which may require both antibiotics and surgery to wash out the joint infection.
Homeopathy have some wonderful medicine for GANGLION, this is a month’s improvement!! #ganglion #ganglión #ganglions #homoeopathicmedicine #homoeopathy_cures
Acne pustules develop when the walls of an affected pore begin to break down. It becomes a red, swollen skin blemish called a papule. White blood cells gather on the papule to fight against infection as the pore breaks down. These cells form the pus you see inside the blemish.
At this point, the papule becomes a pustule that is filled with sebum, bacteria, and cell debris. The bacteria associated with acne is Propionibacterium acnes.2
Typical acne triggers include hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause; diet; oil and dirt allowed to build up on the skin; and certain medications. Acne also has a genetic component, meaning that family history can play a role. Here if you see medicine is also trying to clear the scars!!!
#acne #acnetreatment #pustules #homoeopathicmedicine #homoeopathy_cures #acnevulgaris #scars #scarhealing
Recently a lot of patients have benefitted from taking Bach flower! I personally prefer a combination of BACH AND HOMOEOPATHy! From IBS, to cold From Burns to tumors, from Hair loss to Psoriasis, From acne to Gall stones, fibroids as well as Renal diseases. Both the system of MEDICINE,- has given wonderful results.
Will be soon starting BACH FLOWER CLASSES! Stay tuned!
But both the system is based on proper consultation and history taking. #bachflowers #bachflowerremedies #bachfloweressences #homoeopathic #homoeopathy #homoeopathictherapeutics #homoeopathicmedicine