Food Health Skin
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A condition where there is excessive itching with red eruptions followed by dark discoloration and thickening of skin.
Atopic Dermatitis Triggers
Your skin might be fine for a long time. But then something happens to cause a rash or itchiness. Some things that trigger atopic dermatitis or make it worse include:
Strong soaps and detergents
Some fabrics, like wool or scratchy materials
Perfumes, skincare products, and makeup
Pollen and mold
Animal dander
Tobacco smoke
Stress and anger
Dry winter air/low humidity
Long or hot showers/baths
Dry skin
Skin infections or especially dry skin
Certain hormones
Dust or sand
Certain foods (usually eggs, dairy products, wheat, soy, and nuts)
As a HOMOEOPATH, we take detailed history, and with the help of DIET HOMOEOPATHY BACH FLOWER AND ENERGY HEALING, bring the causative allergens in control and eradicate them!
Usually, treatment takes a year or two!

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