Directions for Taking Dr.Meghana Homeopathic Medicine
Your homeopathic remedy has been specially selected and formulated for your unique needs. Please follow the given directions for taking Dr.Meghana Rawal Thali Homeopathic remedies:

Pills Bottle:
The pills in the bottle should be taken 2 or 3 times a day, as directed on the label of the bottle. If you received 2 bottles: Take 5 pills from bottle number 1 in the Morning Take 5 pills from bottle number 2 at Bed Time If you received 3 bottles: Take 5 pills from bottle number 1 in the morning Take 5 pills from bottle number 2 in the Noon Take 5 pills from bottle number 3 at Bed Time

The paper wrapped powder packets are the Booster doses. The dosage is one packet only in a week. Consume the whole packet .No water or Milk to be added. If you received 4 packets: Take one packet every week. Example: If you started your packet dose on a Sunday, take the 2nd packet the coming Sunday and so on. If your course includes powder & pills then 1st start with powder and then start taking pills from the next day onwards. Do not take your pills bottle on the day you took the packet dose. Continue your pills bottle from the next day.