Health Hydroceles Men Skin

Hydroceles and varicoceles are types of testicular lumps and swellings involving the male scrotum. However they differ because hydrocele is a swelling caused by fluid around the testicle, whereas varicocele is a swelling caused by dilated or enlarged veins within the testicles.
A hydrocele is a build-up of liquid in a fold of mucous membrane which surrounds the testicle, inside the scrotum (testicle sac). It usually presents as a painless swelling in one or both testicles.
A swelling in the scrotum can also be due to a varicocele. This occurs when the veins that take blood away from the testicle become engorged with blood, similar to a varicose vein that you might get in a leg.
Varicoceles are most common on the left-hand side of the scrotum, due to the arrangement of the veins on that side. They have been described as feeling like ‘a bag of worms’. They’re usually noticeable when standing up, but the swelling disappears when you lie down as the blood in the engorged veins drains away.
Both are easily treated with #homoeopathicmedicine
Home Remedies #hydrocele
🌻Epsom salt bath
🌻Fruit rich Diet
🌻100 ml aloe vera juice +100 ml amla juice every day
🌻Rhododendron clematic lycopodium are good homoeopathy remedy.
Home Remedy #varicocele
🌻Ice packs
🌻Use Jockstrap
🌻Food rich in Fibres
🌻Kegel Exercise
🌻Hamamelis Pulsatilla Lycopodium

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