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People who need Agrimony often appear carefree and humorous but their joy of life masks anxieties, worries and even interior torments they try to hide, as well as others themselves. If they experience pain or discomfort, they joke about it, reluctant to express their real fears. Very sociable, they seek the company for entertainment. They try to ignore the bad side of life and prefer to take things lightly rather than get into quarrels. Thoughts tormented sometimes agitated sleep.

They often take alcohol or drugs to excess, to stimulate themselves and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness.

They will do anything rather than depress others with their trials. Even in severe illness they will jest and make light of their trials. They are brave people and Agrimony will help them so much. [Bach]

I usually prefer to give agrimony with homeopathy in cases of people who have immense headaches migraines aa well as photophobia

Please note never SELF MEDICATE, even BACH FLOWERS! Take under HEALERS GUIDANCE.

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