
The most common signs in almost all girls, teenagers and young women with Turner syndrome are short stature and ovarian insufficiency due to ovarian failure that may have occurred by birth or gradually during childhood, the teen years or young adulthood. Signs and symptoms of these include:

  • Slowed growth
  • No growth spurts at expected times in childhood
  • Adult height significantly less than might be expected for a female member of the family
  • Failure to begin sexual changes expected during puberty
  • Sexual development that “stalls” during teenage years
  • Early end to menstrual cycles not due to pregnancy
  • For most women with Turner syndrome, inability to conceive a child without fertility treatment.
  • Here instead of writing TURNER SYNDROM LEADING TO AMENORRHOEA, i wrote reverse because on no menstruation we cld discover this lovely lady of 25 years age was having TURNER SYNDROME!

POST 6 months of HOMOEOPATHY, she has started menstruating as medicines started aiding in hypothalamic function as well as developing sex organ. Remedy was decided by thoroughly studying mother’s state during pregnancy and also patients current mind body symptoms

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