Children Face Food Health leg Skin

This is a 2 month progress! Reason i have put these picture in RECOVERY phase & not HEALED! Because this is 2 months single remedy RESULT! Usually patients suffering from #psoriasis are either treated with #corticosteroids #steroidcream which suppresses the disease rather than healing! #homoeopathytakestimeisamyth
Pl note #psoriasis can be totally cured through #homoeopathy #bachflowers but requires conviction from patients end and counteract for smallest aggravation from homoeopaths end! #homoeopath must heal every small trigger that can mo patient lose their patience as FLARE UP OF SKIN IS TRIGGERED WITH SLIGHTEST EMOTIONAL STRESS! So treat cautiously & diligently to heal!!
Some home remedies for quick relief for psoriasis is
* cotton breathable garment
* apply ice/ aloe gel/ organic cold mud pack for increased itching
* keep skin hydrated
* 5/10 min morning sun light on patches

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