Abdomen Food Health leg

35+ woman came with high uric acid & complaints following same. Was kept on a single constitutional remedy & viola! Reduction in value.
The level of uric acid in our bodies goes up when the amount of purines in our meals is increased. Purines are responsible for the production of uric acid. They are found in meats, alcohol, sea food and other food items. When digestion of these foods takes place inside the body, purine is released into the blood stream. Uric acid level is also increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes other factors like intake of insufficient water, consumption of medicines and obesity can also affect the uric acid level in the blood.
Certain Homoeopathy remedies are rich in XOA!
Xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitors can reduce the production of UA in the purine metabolism, thus reducing the serum UA level.
Ofcourse as homoeopathy works on principle of INDIVIDUALISATION. Constitutional medicines act wonders.
Along with dietary regulations patients elevated level can be normalized.

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