We all are aware that the human body is made up of five elements panchmahabhutas
Water element has an extra intelligence and we humans have a predominant water element in us. Whenever there is any imbalance in this element we face unnatural events as well as reactions.
water spirit develops in several cultures eg
Sirens (Mediterranean)
Vodyanoy (Eastern Europe)
Sirens (Mediterranean)
Vodyanoy (Eastern Europe)
Rusalka (Eastern Europe)
Mannegishi (Americas)
Kelpies (British Isles)
Nymphs (British Isles)
Uisge (British Isles)
#watergoddess #watergod #suijin #melusine #amphitrite #mamiwata
Most imp Indian #watergoddess #ganga #yamuna #sindhu #narmada #godavari #kaveri #saraswati
People travel great distances to drink or bathe in water from mountains, wells and springs that are empowered with a special essence. #water has the ability to absorb prayers, cleanse unwanted energy and bestow good medicine.
#sacralchakra Is connected to #waterelement
The sacral chakra is connected with freedom fun creativity pleasure and money
To heal these aspects one has to connect with water energy as well as heal in one’s body too.
water and energy are interconnected.
#vastushastra suggests never to wastewater 

Rituals and therapy on water elements are based on the analysis of one’s energy body as well as #astrologicalchart
People especially with #weakmoon #planetcancer being weak can trigger water-related issues.
#energyhealings maps these concerns and med as well as remedies suggested.